Organ-Detoxing Protocal

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Organs that participate in detoxifying the body are the liver, colon, kidneys, lungs, and skin. During times of stress and acute overload, cleansing procedures will help restore optimal function of these organs. In addition, before beginning any detoxification program it is imperative to be certain that these organs are functioning adequately. If anyone of them is not performing well, there will be blockages in the detoxification process that will result in increased symptoms.

Although they are not organs, the lymph system and blood participate in detoxification. In many people, they are overloaded and in need of cleansing, which will improve both their detoxification efficiency and the health of the person.

It is helpful to consult a healthcare practitioner before beginning an organ cleanse to be certain your body is ready for and can handle these procedures. It is particularly important that the kidneys are capable of processing the increased load they will have to excrete, and most people will need to do the kidney cleanse first.

Massage helps to cleanse the liver. While lying flat on your back, using your flat fingertips, gently massage the liver area with clockwise circular motions. If soreness persists or if there is marked tenderness, you should consult a qualified professional.

Liver flushes stimulate the elimination of stored toxic wastes from the body, increase bile flow, and improve liver function.
Mix fresh-squeezed orange, grapefruit, and lemon or lime juices to make 1 cup of liquid. The mixture should taste sour. Add 1 to 2 cloves of fresh garlic and a small amount of fresh ginger juice. (Grate the ginger on a vegetable grater and squeeze the fibers in a garlic press.) Stir in 1 Tbsp. of olive oil and drink.
Follow the liver flush mixture with the following tea:
1 part fennel
1 part fenugreek
1 part flax
1/4 part burdock
1/4 part licorice
Use 1 ounce of the herb mixture to 20 ounces of water and simmer for 20 minutes, then add 1 part peppermint. Steep for 10 more minutes.
For additional soothing properties, add 1/2 part marshmallow root (sliced and shredded) to the initial herb blend.

One of the best liver cleansers is a coffee enema. Coffee enemas were listed in folk literature for years as a method of helping the body rid itself of toxins and accumulated waste products. They were listed in the Merck Manual until 1977, when they were removed for lack of space. After pharmaceuticals became the main focus of medicine in the 1920s, coffee enemas were seldom used. In the past 10 to 15 years, however, their usefulness has again been recognized.
A coffee enema is a low-volume enema that stays in the sigmoid colon, the S-shaped last section of the large intestine. A special circulatory system exists between the sigmoid colon and the liver, called the enterohepatic circulation system. When the stool reaches the sigmoid colon, it is full of decomposed material and toxins. These toxins are sent directly to the liver for detoxification rather than being circulated throughout the body.
The caffeine in the coffee is the active ingredient in a coffee enema. Given rectally, it helps detoxify the liver and emulsifies fat. While coffee enemas do promote cleansing of the intestines as well as the liver and gallbladder, they are used primarily to clean the liver and gallbladder.
A coffee enema:
increases the peristaltic action of the intestines, and speeds up the emptying of the bowel.
makes the toxins accumulated in the bile ducts empty, allowing other toxins in the body to filter into the liver for detoxification.
increases the emptying speed of the liver ducts holding detoxified materials, speeding the detoxification process.
encourages the removal of gallstones in the bile.
stimulates the production of the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which makes the liver detoxification pathways function.
breaks down accumulated fat in the liver cells.
clears chemical overloads and chemical reactions.
helps the body cope with chemotherapy and side effects caused by toxic overload from destruction of cells.
Minerals and electrolytes are not washed out by coffee enemas. The important nutrients have already been absorbed higher in the bowel, long before the food residue reaches the sigmoid colon.
Unsulfured molasses is used in the coffee enema to aid with retention and increase detoxification efficiency.
Preparing the Enema
Bring 1 quart of tolerated water to a boil in the stainless-steel or glass pot. Add 2 flat Tbsp. of coffee and continue to boil for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the pan on the burner. Add 1 Tbsp. of unsulfured molasses. Cool to a tepid temperature that feels comfortable to the touch. Never use the coffee mixture hot or steaming.
Strain, then pour half the coffee mixture into the measuring cup, being careful not to let the coffee grounds go into the cup. Put the enema bag in the sink and clamp off the tubing.
Pour the coffee mixture into the enema bag, then release the clamp long enough to allow the liquid to run to the end of the enema tube. Hang the enema bag 24 to 30 inches above the floor. A doorknob makes a good hanger. Do not hang it any higher, or fluid will be forced too high into the intestine. Cover the area on which you are going to lie with old towels to prevent staining.
Taking the Enema
First half:
Lie down on the floor and gently insert the nozzle or catheter. If you need lubrication, use only food-grade vegetable oil, K- Y jelly, or vitamin E. Do not use Vaseline or other petroleum jelly products, which are toxic.
Release the clamp and let the coffee mixture flow slowly in. Clamp off the tubing as soon as there is any sensation of fullness.
If you can do so, retain the enema for 10 minutes. Do not force yourself to hold it if an uncomfortable feeling develops.
Clamp the tubing and remove the nozzle or catheter, and empty your bowel.
Second half:
After emptying the bowel, repeat the procedure with the remaining half of the coffee mixture. If you cannot hold half of the enema mixture, take three or four small enemas.
When the gallbladder’s bile duct empties, you will hear or feel a squirting under the right ribcage, or in that general area. Once you feel this, you should not take any more enemas that day.
If, after a week of daily enemas, you have not felt or heard the gallbladder release its bile, you may need to:
increase the strength of the coffee 1 tsp. per quart at a time, but do not exceed 2 Tbsp. per cup.
take slightly larger volume enemas with each half.
take three enemas of 2 cups each or less.
Coffee enemas can be used without the unsulfured molasses if tolerance is a problem. However, after taking the enemas for several weeks, you will probably be able to safely add it.
Most people do not feel “wired” or hyper as a result of coffee enemas. Should you feel this way, or if you have palpitations or irregular heartbeats after a coffee enema, reduce the amount of coffee by half for a few days to a week. Caffeine blood levels have been checked on people who felt they were “wired” after a coffee enema, and caffeine was not detectable in their blood.
Coffee enemas can be used as often as needed. The usual frequency for detoxification purposes is around three times per week. Some people may need to use them daily if their toxic load is high.

Castor oil packs are extremely beneficial in cleansing the liver. Several commercially prepared liver cleansing and support products are also available.
Before you start a gallbladder cleanse, your bowels must be clean. Take an herbal laxative such as cascara sagrada or senna for two to three days before your cleanse. Also take three to four capsules of hydrangea or hyssop twice a day for about a week before this cleanse to reduce any gallstones in size and number.

Use a juice fast for two days. Do not eat on these days. Drink pure, organic, preservative-free apple juice for two days.

As a rule, apple juice starts to work on the second day. You may find small stones and/or green mud in the fecal matter. The malic acid in the apple juice helps to break down stagnant bile.

A cleansing, warm water enema may be necessary during the cleanse to alleviate nausea created by ingesting a large amount of oil at one time. This flush may be repeated in two months.

Indications that a colon cleanse would be helpful include:

Constipation: Unless you have at least one bowel movement a day and can evacuate your bowels quickly, you may need a colon cleanse.
Body and breath odor: Any unpleasant body or breath odor, or a coated tongue, can be indicative of a high toxic accumulation in the colon.
Chronic health problems: Many problems such as acne, allergies, arthritis, fatigue, gas, migraine, and recurrent bladder and vaginal infections may be caused or aggravated by a toxic colon.
Colon cleansing is a controversial method of detoxification and cleansing. There seems to be no middle viewpoint; people are either very much in favor or violently opposed. Those who favor colon cleansing feel that the health of the body reflects the health of the colon. They further believe that colon cleansing, either with enemas or colonics, is necessary for good health.

Those opposed to colon cleansing feel that it is an invasive treatment and that there is no medical reason to irrigate the colon. Homeopaths feel this method causes the loss of vital body fluids. Opponents of colon cleansing believe that proper diet, along with sufficient water and exercise, should allow you to move your bowels regularly. When the bowels function well, their natural physiological action should keep them clean.

Any cleansing method should be approached with caution, as you determine the appropriateness of a particular treatment for you. Very allergic people should be especially careful. You will have to make your own decision based on your own research.

Fasting is sometimes advocated before a colon cleanse. During a fast, your eliminative organs begin to remove concentrated and old, hard wastes, although they will not be able to eliminate all the accumulated material.

Colon cleansing may be accomplished by administering an enema, which flushes the lower intestines. Substances used in enemas include water, coffee, herbal tea, mild soap solution, meat broth, chicken soup, wheat-grass juice, barley juice, chlorophyll, oils, or other nutritional substances. The frequency of enema use depends on the person’s philosophy and tolerance. Some people take enemas once a month for preventive health maintenance. Others take a series of enemas seasonally.
General Instructions
Fill an enema bag with warm distilled or other tolerated water, or other liquid. Warmth allows the intestines to relax and expand.
Hang the bag 24 to 30 inches above the floor. A doorknob makes a good hanger. Cover the area on which you are going to lie with old towels.
Lying on the floor, lie on your left side or assume a knee-chest position (face down, supporting your weight on your knees and upper chest) to help water go through the colon.
Always lubricate the end of the rectal nozzle with vitamin E, food-grade vegetable oil, or K-Y jelly. Do not use petroleum jelly, which is a toxin.
Insert the tube or nozzle just inside the rectum. For a French catheter, as water begins to flow, gently insert the tube further – but never force it. The maximum tube insertion is 3 to 6 inches.
At the first urge or cramp, remove the tube and allow elimination.
Follow the warm enema with a cool water enema to stimulate peristaltic action and to soak off more material. When the intestinal muscles contract, more encrusted debris breaks off and leaves the body.
Enemas for Specific Conditions
To stimulate the liver, kidneys, spleen, and pancreas: Add 1/2 tsp. cayenne to an enema bag of water. This enema will also help stop bleeding that sometimes occurs with tissue irritation during rapid elimination.
To help eliminate parasites and Candida: Blend 1 or 2 crushed garlic buds in 1 quart of tolerated water. Strain. Add enough tepid water to fill the enema bag. Repeat once a day for three days.
To clear allergic reactions: Use 60 grams (8 level Tbsp.) of buffered vitamin C per quart of tolerated water. Allow the enema to run in very slowly and retain the fluid as long as you can comfortably do so. Caution: Never use ascorbic acid in an enema, as it is irritating to the colon.
Some colon therapists advocate the use of high colonics, using specialized equipment to deliver the cleansing solution into the colon and to pump it out. This treatment cleans the entire colon.
Great care must be taken to clean the equipment between clients. If the equipment is not properly sterilized, parasites can be passed from one person to another.
A colon cleanse using a fibrous material, called psyllium, and clay can remove years of accumulated, caked-on material. Because it is taken orally and moves through the GI tract naturally, many people feel this is a safe, non-invasive method of cleansing the colon.
Psyllium attracts moisture into the bowel, which causes the psyllium to expand, filling the intestine. The clay absorbs toxins and helps carry them out of the colon. As it passes through the intestines, it drags out stored wastes. Do not exceed three colon cleanses per year, and wait at least two months between cleanses.

Preparing the Cleanse
Mix 1 Tbsp. of the liquid bentonite in the pint jar with 4 ounces of tolerated water. (If you cannot find a liquid bentonite solution, you may make your own by dissolving 2 ounces of bentonite clay in 1 quart of tolerated water. Shake well and allow to stand for 12 hours.) Then add 1 Tbsp. of psyllium husks. Cover and shake well.
Taking the Cleanse
Drink the mixture quickly after you shake it. The longer it stands, the more it will clump. Follow with 8 ounces of pure, tolerated water. Drink this mixture three times a day, between meals, for 3 to 4 days. Take no food 2 hours before or for 2 hours afterward. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
This mixture can be constipating for some people. Should you become constipated, take extra vitamin C and magnesium. Some people may also need to use a plain water enema, or the coffee enema.
Some people feel abdominal discomfort during the first day or two of the cleanse when the psyllium has expanded in the bowel. Many people pass particles of varying size and shape. Some report long casings that may be mucosal debris and dead cells from the intestinal lining.
Many people who have constipation do not exercise enough. Research tells us that our bowels will not move unless we move. Exercise helps keep abdominal muscles healthy and muscle tone optimal. Simple walking is very beneficial, but the following activities are particularly helpful to combat constipation:
hill climbing
climbing a ladder or stairs
rowing, with chest held high, and giving the trunk a strong backward movement
medicine ball bouncing, to give the trunk muscles vigorous action
chopping, digging, swinging, mowing
folk and square dancing
horseback riding
Fiber, sometimes called roughage or bulk, helps to relieve constipation. It absorbs water in the large intestine and makes stools larger, softer, and easier to pass. Food fiber is soluble and is best for your body. High-fiber foods include grains and bran, fresh fruits with skin on, dried fruits, raw vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Peeled, cooked, or pureed fruits and vegetables have less useful fiber than those eaten raw.
By increasing high-fiber foods in your diet, fiber supplementation is not usually necessary. If you need to take a fiber supplement, start with small amounts and increase your water intake. You may experience some cramping, diarrhea, or gas at first. Fiber supplements can lead to dehydration, and minerals will be lost with the water. They can also decrease the absorption of dietary protein.
Many people are constipated or have difficult bowel movements because they do not consume enough liquid. Liquids, particularly water, keep stools soft. When liquid intake is too low, stools become small and hard. Coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks can deplete the body of water because caffeine acts a diuretic.
There is controversy over how much water you should drink ordinarily. Many physicians say six to eight glasses per day, but some homeopaths feel that this much water overworks the kidneys. Certainly you should always drink when you are thirsty, and the bulk of your fluid intake should be water. During detoxification procedures, it is important to drink extra water.
Commercial laxatives can make a constipation problem worse. They are physically addictive and their frequent use can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Laxatives can weaken the GI muscles and decrease the effectiveness of peristalsis. Over a period of time, bowel movements become difficult without a laxative.
There are more natural options that will not harm your body. Ground psyllium seeds are a concentrated source of fiber, which has laxative properties. Psyllium is available at health food stores.
If you take vitamin C to bowel tolerance levels every day, you will not be constipated. Even if you do not take these amounts, extra doses of vitamin C help relieve constipation.
Extra magnesium also relieves constipation. Magnesium is the active portion of Epsom salts and Milk of Magnesia. However, these laxatives are harsh to your body. Simply increasing your magnesium supplementation should clear constipation.
Taken orally, charcoal is an excellent cleanser for the gastrointestinal tract. Charcoal removes the odor from intestinal gas, and it also helps indigestion, peptic ulcers, or other forms of gastrointestinal distress. It is generally tolerated well orally, and the only reported side effects have been bowel irritation in extremely sensitive individuals with bowel inflammatory problems.
Charcoal should not be taken continuously for years. It can be used intermittently for long periods of time, and regularly for several months. Some people are concerned that charcoal might adsorb nutrients, although there are studies that show it does not. It adsorbs mineral acids, alkalis, and salts poorly; for this reason, it does not adsorb nutrients. Food and bile interfere with charcoal’s effectiveness, yet its adsorption capacity is still rapid. Charcoal works better in an acid than an alkaline medium.
Charcoal can be taken orally in the following ways:
Slurry: Charcoal stirred into water forms a slurry. The usual oral dose of charcoal is 1 Tbsp. of powder stirred into a glass of water, taken mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
Tablets and capsules: Intestinal gas and bloating can be treated with four capsules or eight tablets of charcoal taken three to four times per day, between meals. This treatment also helps with malodorous stools and bad breath originating both from the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.
Oral charcoal can prevent toxins from building up in the blood when the liver is not functioning well. The respiratory tract medication, Theophylline, has a narrow therapeutic range and overdoses are a common occurrence. People taking this drug should keep charcoal on hand to treat these overdoses.
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For the kidney to be healthy, infections must be cleared and any stones dissolved. A kidney cleanse must remove all irritating chemicals, metabolic waste, and crystal deposits. It must also replace damaged cells with new healthy tissues.

Drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of bottled or tolerated water every day during the cleanse. Make water your only beverage. Juices, caffeinated drinks, and sodas do not substitute for water.
After the cleanse, continue to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. Water helps detoxify the kidneys, as well as diluting the urine, preventing concentrations of the minerals and salts that can form stones.
Diet has a major influence on kidney health. Avoid acid-forming foods such as caffeine containing foods; salty, sugary, and fried foods; and soft drinks, which adversely affect the filtering ability of the kidneys. Also avoid mucus-forming foods, including all dairy products, heavy grains, starches, and fats. This will relieve irritation and inflammation and inhibit sediment formation.
Do not consume kidney irritants such as alcohol and excessive protein. The release of insulin following sugar consumption increases the level of calcium in the blood, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Rhubarb and raw spinach must also be avoided, as they encourage the formation of stones.
Consumption of citric acid also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones. Drink the juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of warm water every morning, both during and after a kidney cleanse. Lemons inhibit kidney stone formation because of their citric acid content. Lemonade should not be substituted for plain lemon and water, because it usually contains a high level of sugar.
The prevention of kidney stones is an essential factor in the health of the kidney. Zinc is an important inhibitor of crystallization. Take 50 to 80 mg of a zinc supplement and balance with 2 to 3 mg of copper. Use these amounts routinely if you are prone to kidney stones.
A raw kidney glandular, which is a concentrated form of animal kidney, strengthens the kidneys. It should be prepared from a young, organically raised, free-range animal that has not been given hormones.
The herbs ginkgo biloba and goldenseal in extract form increase circulation to the kidneys and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Apples are considered to be a healing herb for the kidney and serve as a purifier, cleanser, disinfectant, and toner.
The following herbal cleanse is recommended for cleansing and detoxifying; it also treats urinary tract infections.
Caution: People who have nephritis or who take diuretics frequently should not use this formula, since it acts as a diuretic. Avoid high-sodium foods while using this formula.
Combine equal amounts of the following herbs and put into capsules. Take 5 to 8 capsules per day:
Bearberry leaves
Buchu leaves
Corn silk
Gravel root
Juniper berries
Exercise daily. Sedentary people have a high level of calcium in their blood. Exercise forces the calcium into the bones, lessening the risk of kidney stones, as well as promoting the elimination of toxins through increased circulation and sweating.
Take saunas or hot baths to increase sweating, which causes the excretion of toxins and excess fluid through the skin, sparing the kidneys. Essential oils in the bath water will help relieve kidney stress. Use 8 to 10 drops of two of the following: cedar wood, chamomile, eucalyptus, geranium, lemon, juniper, or sandalwood.
Homeopathic remedies that support the kidney or a complex homeopathic remedy will assist a kidney cleanse.
If you have a chronic cough that brings up phlegm, a constant runny nose, bronchitis or wheezing, or severe sinusitis, a lung cleanse should be helpful for you. People who have problems with fluid retention may not be able to do this cleanse.

Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water, juices, herb teas, and broth daily. Avoid dairy and dairy products, which can cause congestion. Eat fresh fruits, high-chlorophyll vegetables, sea vegetables, and non-gluten grains such as millet or brown rice. These are alkalizing foods and should be eaten in a ratio of about 4 to 1 over acid-forming foods. Chlorophyll rich foods such as chlorella, spirulina, and barley green will enhance lung cleansing, in addition to increasing oxygenation and helping to clear respiratory infections. Pitted fruits such as apricots, peaches, and plums are “lung-friendly” foods because of their flavonoid content.
Antioxidants are particularly important for lung function. Be certain to include vitamins A, C, and E in your nutrients as well as selenium, cysteine, and CoQ10.
Take an anti-infective such as garlic, olive leaf extract, or colloidal silver if you have bronchitis or similar lung symptoms. Proteolytic enzymes taken between meals will reduce inflammation, and quercetin between meals has a powerful antihistamine effect.
Try one of the following teas to relieve congestion and inflammation.
1 part lance-leaf plantain
1 part lungwort
1 part mullein flowers
2 parts speedwell
Mix the herbs in the indicated proportions and steep 1 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Sweeten with honey and sip 1 to 1 1/2 cups over the course of a day.
Mix hemp nettle, shave grass, witch grass in equal parts. Use 1 heaping tsp. of the mixture to 1/2 cup cold water. Bring to a boil for 1 minute, then steep for 1 minute and strain. Sweeten with a little honey, if desired. Sip 1 to 1 1/2 cups over the course of a day.
Be vigilant about your environment and avoid all forms of tobacco smoke. Try to avoid exposures to dust or dust mites, molds, pollens, terpenes, and chemicals.
Be particularly careful in your home and, if you are not already doing so, avoid cleaning compounds and toiletries that have a scent of any kind. Use an air cleaner and, if necessary, wear a charcoal filter mask at home and at work.
Breathing exercises are very helpful in lung detoxification, as is physical exercise. A brisk daily walk during which you breathe deeply will accelerate your cleanse.
A chest rub of essential oils or inhaling steam to which essential oils have been added will thin and stop excessive mucus production. Oregano, tea tree, and eucalyptus oils singly or in combination will help. For a chest rub, put 15 drops in 1 ounce of a base oil and rub on the chest. For steam inhalation, put 6 drops in 1 quart of hot water and breathe the fumes.
Homeopathic remedies that are supportive of the lungs are helpful in a cleanse.
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Proper diet can improve your skin and overall appearance. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and eliminate sugar, fried foods, margarine, shortening, hydrogenated oils, and dairy products. Eat foods high in fiber to keep the colon clean, which will help keep the skin clean.
Eat zinc-rich foods such as egg yolks, fish, meat, liver, grains, beans, and pumpkin and sunflower seeds, as a low-zinc diet can cause skin flare-ups. Zinc has antibacterial properties and is also necessary to the oil producing glands of the skin.
Eliminate coffee and alcohol, as they affect circulation to the skin. Also avoid processed foods, which are high in sugar, salt, and fat. Saturated fats promote inflammation.
As with the other organ cleanses, it is important to drink 8 to 10 glasses of tolerated water to flush toxins through the kidneys. This helps to prevent toxins from having to exit via the skin as blemishes or rashes. Herbal teas also help the skin. Alternate between dandelion, goldenseal, myrrh, pau d’arco, and red clovers. Caution: Do not use goldenseal on a daily basis for more than a week and do not use during pregnancy.
Skin Support Tea

Elder leaves and flowers
Elecampane root
Ground ivy
Juniper berries
Witch grass root
Mix the herbs in equal parts and steep 1 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Sip 1/2 to 1 cup daily, unsweetened. Use daily over several months.
Speedwell Tea

2 parts speedwell
1 part black elder leaves
1 part English walnut leaves
1 part pansy
Mix herbs in the indicated proportions. Steep 1 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Sip 1 to 1 1/2 cups daily, unsweetened.
Antioxidants are essential for skin health. Be certain to take vitamins A, C, and E, as well as bioflavonoids. Vitamin E protects against ultraviolet light damage and bioflavonoids improve the skin’s blood supply. Essential fatty acids, such as evening primrose oil, help prevent dehydration and wrinkling. Protease, an enzyme, will help to heal some skin disorders.
Dry brushing is important for a skin cleanse. It removes the top layer of old skin, helping to remove mucus residues and uric acid crystals. Use a natural bristle or a soft surgical scrub brush. Begin with the soles of your feet, and using a rotary motion, brush every inch of your skin except the nipples. Follow the brushing with a cleansing shower or bath.
Massage therapy will help improve skin tone by increasing circulation. Essential oils help to detoxify, nourish, tone, soothe, and support skin function. Essential oils that assist in a skin cleanse include lavender, geranium, sandalwood, and neroli. Add 15 drops of one oil, or a combination, to 2 ounces of a base or fixed oil and rub on the skin.
Poor diet adversely affects the immune system and the lymphatic system. Sugar and alcohol inhibit white blood cell activity. Sugar consumption (the amount of sugar in a sweetened soft drink) will stop white blood cell activity within 30 minutes and normal activity will not return for four to five hours.
To strengthen immune response, eat foods that are high in essential fatty acids, such as salmon, fresh tuna, and sea vegetables. It is also important to eat adequate amounts of protein and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Supporting lymph nutrients include vitamins A, C, E, and B complex, beta-carotene, iron, zinc, and selenium. The enzyme protease is a lymph and immune booster.
Echinacea extract and astragalus extract are deep lymph-cleansing herbs. Echinacea also reduces lymphatic congestion and swelling. Red root is a powerful lymphatic cleanser and is synergistic with Echinacea. Ocotillo flushes lymph congestion.
Regular exercise is critical for lymph flow in the body. Rhythmic aerobic exercise, such as walking, dancing, or “step” exercise, is helpful. Begin each exercise session with deep breathing and stretching.
Set a specific time to exercise and choose an activity you enjoy. The exercise should be convenient for you and one you can do at almost any time.
Be sure to shower after your exercise session to wash off the toxins excreted in your sweat.
Massage therapy and manual lymph drainage are helpful in encouraging lymphatic circulation. Acupuncture and acupressure can also be useful.
Alternating hot and cold showers will stimulate lymph circulation, as will breathing exercises.
The essential oils of geranium, juniper, and black pepper will assist a lymph cleanse when rubbed on the skin. Use 15 drops of oil in 1 ounce of a base or carrier oil. Eight to ten drops of these essential oils are also supportive of the lymph system when added to bath water.
Complex homeopathic remedies are helpful in cleansing and supporting the lymphatic system.
Diet is important in cleansing the blood. Follow a juice diet for three days, unless you have a degenerative disease. A juice diet or fast is not recommended in these cases because the toxins released by a fast may be more than the body and blood can detoxify.
After the fast, eat only very pure foods, including as much organic food as possible, and avoid canned, frozen, and processed foods. Do not eat food that contains any additives, including colors, flavors, and preservatives. Avoid sugar, sodas, artificial sweeteners, and fried foods.
In addition to pure, tolerated water, drink bottled mineral water throughout the day to hydrate and alkalize the body. Mild herb teas, such as sarsaparilla and pau d’arco, can improve body chemistry and enhance blood cleansing, as can chlorophyll.
Nutrients will help with a blood cleanse, particularly the antioxidants, which clean the blood and strengthen white blood cells. Buffered vitamin C in small doses throughout the day will cause a rapid improvement. Take enzymes to help with digestion, particularly protein digestion. Enzymes break down organisms and incompletely digested protein in the blood, enabling them to be destroyed by the immune system. Probiotics are important for building blood and improving digestion.
Many herbs, including red clover, dandelion, burdock, yellow dock, Echinacea, and Oregon grape root, cleanse the blood.
Essential oils, such as rosemary, cypress, and vetiver assist in blood cleansing. Use 15 drops of each oil in 1 ounce of base or carrier oil and rub on the skin. Eight to ten drops of each of these oils may also be used in bath water.
Aerobic exercise increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which assists with blood cleansing.
Massage therapy will increase circulation, and detoxification baths also help cleanse the blood.
Some people improve with an enema at the beginning and end of their blood cleanses, which prevents new toxins from entering the bloodstream.
end of part 4 concludes the organ detox———————————————————————————————————

About homeopathyginatyler

Classical Homeopath, Certified CEASE practicioner Los Angeles,Calif,USA View all posts by homeopathyginatyler

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