Monthly Archives: April 2014

Homeopathy for;Indigestion,Nausea,vomiting,and upset stomach

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Indigestion, Nausea, Vomiting, and Upset Stomach

photo by gina tyler
Indigestion, nausea, vomiting, or and upset stomach can affect anyone and sometimes strike without warning. Whether you’re at home or out and about, homeopathy can help relieve these symptoms and restore your health.

Consider the following remedies when treating indigestion, nausea, or vomiting:
Antimonium crudum: vomit right after eating or drinking; constant belching; white-coated tongue; from overeating or eating indigestible substance.
Arsenicum: cannot bear sight or smell of food; burning pains in abdomen relieved by heat.
Bryonia: stomach feels heavy after eating and is sensitive to touch; burps taste bitter; thirsty for long drinks of cold water and may vomit from warm drinks. Stitching, tearing pains, worse from the slightest movement; vomiting of bile or water. Irritable.
Carbo vegetabilis: gas and belching about 30 minutes after eating; even the simplest food disagrees with the person. Averse to meat, milk, and fatty foods; wants clothing loose around abdomen; chilly, but better from cold; craves fresh moving air, like from being fanned.
Chamomilla: bitter taste in mouth; one cheek may be red and hot and the other pale and cold; indigestion after a fit of anger or irritability; abdomen distended with gas, cramping; extreme restlessness, anxious tossing; very sensitive to pain.
Colocynthis: severe cutting abdominal pain causing the person to double up; it is worse from anger or indignation; better with strong pressure and warmth.
Ignatia: rumbling in the bowels; sour belching; craves food that doesn’t agree with them; might occur after receiving bad news or shock; frequent sighing; sensitive, nervous, excitable.
Ipecac: constant and continual nausea; much saliva; gripping intestinal pains; tongue clean; worse smell of food; usually a great deal of vomiting, sometimes continuous; also diarrhea with nausea; better with the slightest motion.
Nux vomica: heartburn; sour bitter belching; abdominal bloating a few hours after eating; empty retching; headache; drowsy; mentally dull; very sensitive to stimuli (noise, odors, light, etc); irritable; worse with eating, stimulants, and the open air; better from uninterrupted nap or warmth; hard-driving personality; illness after over-work, overeating, use of alcohol, coffee or other drugs; often used for hangovers.
Phosphorus: similar to Arsenicum (much vomiting and diarrhea, burning pains, weakness, anxiety, and restlessness); sour taste and belching; nausea worse with warm drinks; great thirst for cold water which is vomited as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach; vomiting blood; sense of emptiness and weakness in abdomen; empty hungry feeling may keep person awake at night.
Pulsatilla: heartburn; queasiness; dry mouth with bad taste; sense of heaviness after eating; tongue coated thickly with white or yellow material; averse to fatty foods; wants clothing loose around abdomen; peevish, weepy; wants sympathy and comfort. Indigestion due to improper diet, especially rich, fatty foods, ice cream.
Veratrum album: person feels cold to touch; cold sweat, especially on forehead; person feels chilly; exhaustion, even collapse; cramping in extremities.