Oregano oil can this help you stay well…

Oil of oregano is the key to curing mould fungus infestation. It is valuable for a wide range of health problems such as allergies, hay fever, actinomycosis, asbestosis, blastomycosis, a big epidemic in southern Ontario, blood clots, bronchitis, cough, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, demolition lung (where people work around a lot of dust), histoplasmosis, nasal polyps, pneumonia, sarcoidosis, silicosis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, whatever kind of a throatitis you could have, and tuberculosis.

In 2001, preliminary research at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. showed that the fungus Candida albicans was destroyed by certain spice extracts. Our research team used the finest spice extracts (including extracts of wild oregano known as the P73 blend, wild sage and mountain-grown cumin), which are now components in a product called Oregacyn. We tested the fungus Candida albicans, which causes untold misery, disability and death in North America today. It is the cause of sepsis in the kidneys, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. It is a huge factor in colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, eosophagitis, hiatal hernia and gastritis. In the study, Candida albicans fungus was inserted into tissue. One part of the culture was treated with the wild oregano blend known as P73, and another part with the drug amphoteracin B which is the premier drug of last resort for people with Candida sepsis. This research was published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry in 2002, and it goes to every major research institution in the world. The research showed that these spices completely destroyed every trace of the fungus in the culture tissue and no Candida of any kind was found. The animals who took the oregano were healthier than they were before treatment according to the investigators. The amphoteracin B, a very powerful drug that causes kidney damage also destroyed the fungus. But here is an example of a spice which was effective as a powerful drug but without the side effects. You may request the article by calling 1-847-473-4700.

Another study at Georgetown University showed that the wild oregano blend destroyed drug resistant staph bacteria. We compared the spice extracts against vancomycin. Vancomycin is pretty good. It is the drug of last resort for staph bacteria, and it allowed about 40% of the animals to survive. Staph is nasty. But 50% of the animals taking the oregano extracts (which you will find in both the Oreganol and the Oregacyn) survived. If you increased the dose, you could possibly get 100% survival. It still has to be studied. We could spend another $400,000 or more doing research, but these spices have been used over the centuries. Wild oregano and other spices have been used for 50,000 years of human history. The Babylonians, the ancient Pharaohs, the Islamic doctors, and the British in the 1600s used them. The British said that it cured the common cold, bronchitis, chronic coughing, ear problems and diarrhea. According to the Babylonians, it was the best cardiac tonic known to the human race.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was investigating the antioxidant power of foods and confirmed that of all the foods and all the spice extracts, wild oregano was three to 20 times more powerful as a germicide than anything else tested. The result which was three times higher likely occurred because they were using farm-raised oregano. The result which was 20 times higher was obviously from wild mountainous material, which is much more powerful. So you must always use the wild.

Parasites can also cause lung problems. The parasites are worms, amoebas, protozoas, tapeworms, etc. There are in everything. If you travel overseas, if you drink the public water and if you eat at restaurants, there are risks, no matter how clean you are. Hulda Clark and many others proved it. If you have chronic lung disease, the second thing you must destroy is the parasites. They can live in the liver, the lung, the gut, and they can cause cancer, heart disease, liver disease, fibromyalgia and lupus. Whether your lung problem is caused by germs or parasites, spice extracts are the answer. If you who work around toxic agents, or if you would like to protect your lungs, wild oregano is the answer.

A recent study (2002) by the USDA found that of all natural antioxidants tested, spices were the best, and of all the spices, wild oregano was tops and had 40 times the antioxidant effect of apples and over five times the action of antioxidants in blueberries. If you have oxidative damage in your body, you will need something with power like Oregacyn which contains five spices, including wild high mountain oregano, wild mountain sage and high mountain cumin. Research has demonstrated that glutathione peroxidase and glutathione transferase are the key enzymes which protect the cells in the lungs from toxic or oxidative damage. Cumin has been found to have the ability to increase glutathione levels up to 700%. Here in Southern Ontario you do have your share of pollution, and some of you may have emphysema, or chronic obstructive lung disease. So a couple of capsules a day is a good way to go to protect the lungs from oxidative damage.

People who have used some of these spices have received enormous benefits. Spice extracts will destroy the germs and liberate the illness, whether it is a cough, congestion, sinus pressure, sinus headaches, rhinitis or post nasal drip. I was on the radio in Hamilton yesterday and a gentleman called and he said, ” I can’t get rid of the flu but when I take one to three capsules of Oregacyn a day I knock it out.” I talked to another person whose wife owns a very prominent nutrition company in New York. Their nutritional supplements were not able to heal her cough and they were afraid her asthma was going to kill her. She started taking the Oregacyn, this dried desiccated wild spice material in a capsule, just a couple of capsules twice a day and she got rid of it. And boy, were they impressed. As far as I know, they are buying the stuff like crazy. and their whole staff is taking it. There was another gentleman who had a terrible infection in the rectal area which he couldn’t get rid of. But he claims he cured it using this particular spice extract, the Oregacyn.

Question: Will oil of oregano or Oregacyn, the multiple spice extract, destroy the beneficial bacteria like acidophilus and lactobacillus in the colon.
Answer: Yes, if you take too much of any of these things, it can. For instance, if you eat three cloves of raw garlic, it will temporarily sterilize the colon. If you eat a raw onion you will sterilize the stomach for a short period of time. If you take a lot of oil of oregano, you can kill your lactobacillus. If you are taking a heavy dose of something like that, it is wise to take a friendly bacteria supplement.

To find out if you have a mould fungus infection, you can take a little self-test:

* If you have chronic joint pain that cannot be healed, give yourself a 2.
* Sinus attacks or chronic sinusitis, give yourself a 5.
* Watery eyes, give it 2.
* Itchy eyes, give it 2.
* Shortness of breath, give it a 3.
* Spastic muscles – 1.
* Neck stiffness. Give it a 1 or 2 if it is really bad.
* Spinal stiffness – give it a 5. Stiffness of the spine is now clearly associated with mould, fungus infections or mycotoxins causing damage.
* Chronic ear infections as an adult, give that a 3.
* Waking up at night; can’t sleep at night. Night time is a misery. Give it a 5 unless there is stress or another cause.
* Attention Deficit in kids give that a 10.
* Attacks of sneezing fits and runny nose, would be a 2.
* Chronic headaches – 2.
* Pain behind the eye, 1 or 2.
* Wheezing would have to be a 5.
* Dizziness – 1.
* Hives – 2.
* Dry cough – 5.
* Tendency to be allergic to everything. Sensitivity to chemicals, fibromyalgia, sensitive to everything, can’t concentrate, mental fog – 5.
* Spots on the lungs that no one can figure out – 10 unless it’s tuberculosis.
* Psychotic tendencies, anxiety, neurosis with no other cause, give it a 3.
* Itchy skin – 3.
* Itchy scalp has to be 5.
* Ringworm or Athlete’s Foot that is persistent – 5.

If you scored more than 10, this is evidence to believe that you have a chronic mould or fungus infection or sensitivity and that you have dead and decaying materials in your body.

Please refer to Dr. Ingram’s books for research references.
Dr. Ingram’s books The Longevity Solution, The Respiratory Solution, Lifesaving Cures and Royal Oil”, Royal Kick” and Oregacyn” are available at Consumer Health Organization.

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