Arthritis and homeopathics


The “homeopathic” treatment of chronic arthritis, whether osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, or another form, can be quite effective. The best time to initiate homeopathic treatment of arthritis very early in the course of the disease. It is typically a complicated process that requires the expertise of a ‘professional homeopath’ to assess the whole person. 934094_421923651238499_723842368_n (2)

there are over 5,000 remedies to choose from here are a few;

  • Bryonia: pains are worse from the slightest motion, better after rest. Pains are also better from pressure or by lying on the painful side.
  • Caulophyllum: arthritis in women, of the small joints, particularly the fingers, hands, toes, and sometimes the ankles. Pain and stiffness can alternate from one joint to another every minute. Small joint problems plus uterine difficulties.
  • Colchicum: arthritis worse during warm, wet weather, although sometimes cold, damp weather can cause complaints. Worse with the change of seasons. The hands and fingers are most affected; the pains are worse from slight motion. Often associated with other ailments, like nephritis, blood in the urine, and pericarditis. Aversion to the odor of eggs and fish is a strong symptom sometimes seen.
  • Guaiacum: rheumatic affections of the small joints, especially the wrists and fingers, worse from warmth, and better from cold applications.
  • Kali bichromicum: periodic arthritis and arthritis alternating with other complaints (e.g. sinusitis, asthma, digestive disorders). Periodicity is often fixed (e.g. every spring or autumn, etc.). The pain is often in one small spot, and may wander to different sites and come and go suddenly; pain may occur every day at the same time; pain is worse between 2 and 4am.
  • Ledum: painful swelling relieved by cold applications and made worse by warmth. Areas especially affected are ankles, feet, ball of the first toe, and left shoulder and right hip together. “Rheumatism” starts in the legs and extends upwards.
  • Rhus tox: pain and stiffness. Stiffness is very characteristic. The pain is worse when at rest, with weather changes, especially to cold, damp; by cold; and by initial motion (e.g. rising from a bed or a seat). The pains are helped by warmth and continued motion (once “warmed up”). Restlessness with the pain. Complaints are often left-sided.
  • Rhododendron: all symptoms are much worse before a storm. Restlessness of the legs. Crosses legs in sleep.
  • Ruta: especially useful for arthritis beginning after trauma (fracture, sprain, bruise). A “lam” feeling in the joints. Ankle and wrist are often involved. Person has marked restlessness and wants to frequently change position. Leg pains on rising from sitting (as if broken). Back pain better lying on back. Pains are better from motion, but person may become exhausted after walking.
  •                           thanks to  the for this article

About homeopathyginatyler

Classical Homeopath, Certified CEASE practicioner Los Angeles,Calif,USA View all posts by homeopathyginatyler

8 responses to “Arthritis and homeopathics

  • crystalclear70

    Thank you, Gina. This helps me.


  • Anka Blankendaal

    Just at the right moment. Thanks for sharing 😉


  • crystalclear70

    I loved this article. Can you include the avenues of administration of these various remedies that are suggested? That would be wonderful!


    • crystalclear70

      I meant to check the box to receive notifications so I’ll do so now.


    • homeopathyginatyler

      Thank you for reading my post.the remedies are not a do it yourself protocol as homeopathics is complex only the well indicated remedy will work for you the list I included are only a handful of options certainly not suggested taking it without a trained practicioner to monitor your case.


      • crystalclear70

        Oh yes, I see. I’m wanting to see someone at Acupucture Atlanta, and I was wondering what your means of administering were, i.e. tinctures, steam distilled oils of… I was just curious. I have mycotoxicosis. had urinalicis done by EDGI LABS. Result, T-2 Micotoxin poisoning. I am trying to get help regaining my vitality. The diet is very strict. I’ve studied for years and know more than any Dr. which they don’t like. They’re losers. Currently taking Organic Pure Steam Distilled Oregano Oil Origanum Vulgare-Turkey. Incorporate Cinnamon into my diet. Want to begin taking Olive Leaf again. Your site is so very interesting. This is probably more than you wanted to know, but I wanted to let you know, a friend of mine in Colorado passed your site on to me and I’m really glad.
        Best Wishes


      • homeopathyginatyler

        Homeopathics pellets are dispensed in water under the tongue – no taste


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